Concurs Eco Christmas Tree Smart Waste Management For Smarter Cluster Schools
Prezentare Erasmus
Criterii de selecție ale elevilor – mobilitate Lituania – data: 25.02.2022
*Competențe de comunicare în limba engleză – nivel mediu/avansat
*Competențe de utilizare a calculatorului
*Experiență în participarea la proiecte educaționale la nivelul școlii
*Este elev al Scolii Gimnaziale Romuli
*Media 10 (zece) la purtare
*Capacitate de lucru în echipă
*Respectă termenele
*Are acordul părinților/tutorilor legali pentru participarea la selecția pentru mobilitățile de învățare
*Are acordul părinților/tutorilor legali pentru înregistrarea și prelucrarea datelor cu caracter personal,
*Își asumă participarea la toate activitățile propuse de partenerul/instituția gazdă
*****Last day of Erasmus in Croatia*****
Visiting the Recycling Yard in Ploce
Workshop – The Abandoned Town – making scenography and cardboard puppets
Dear Greece, Turkey, Lithuania, Croatia, Romania 1 and Romania 2,
I want to express my high enthusiasm and appreciation, for everything you have developed in this Croatian mobility. Kind regards for all the participating teams who managed to join all the activities and take the risk of gathering all the teachers and young students according to the plan (I don’t want to imagine how hard it was, because of this pandemic situation).
By the way, many thanks to this country for receiving you there and showing such a great hospitality and interest in taking care of the environment, for taking you to the Recycling Yard today to show you the high amount of waste we are all struggling with.
Moreover, the result of the workshop of an Abandoned City seemed to raise awareness within all the participants and I hope you will keep that picture into your mind next time when you dump a plastic bottle somewhere.
On the other hand, I am truly keen on the manner in which you involved everybody showing them the harsh situation we are all in, concerning the Waste Management. It is important not only to be aware of the fact that everything will vanish away if people dump their waste anywhere, anytime, but also to express themselves and work together in ending this destructive cycle which affects every being’s life here.
You made an awesome job working together in conveying such an important message of this project, Smart Waste Management: be part of the solution, not a part of the pollution.
Beside the alarm you rang for the 5 days, you also demonstrated your good teaching and learning skills. Guys, you did an amazing job trying to enjoy your diversity together, regardless the background, nationality, job, appearance or age. I saw no bullying, no weird look on your face, but rather smiles and kind words, understanding and presence of mind.
You are great, all, so, just as you managed avoiding bullying and cooperating amazingly, maybe you could convince people to love environment more, and stop the bullying I feel over myself too many times.
Why? Because the environment is more important than the economy, people… Try counting money while holding your breath and you’ll understand
*******Erasmus, 21st of October*******
Example of good practice – Zlarin, the island without plastic – online meeting and debate with the director of the Tourism Board from Zlarin, Katarina Gregov
The Mouth of the River Neretva – workshop exhibition ”Trash for Art” – activity including the cluster schools of „Vladimir Nazor” Primary School
Tour at the Museum of Natural History from Metkovic
On the fourth day of our mobility, we faced an amazing good example of how things should develop in terms of good practice concerning the way in which the plastic issue should develop. As our online debate with the director of the Tourism Board from Zlarin, Katarina Gregov showed everyone, there is still a light at the end of the tunnel and this Croatian island proved our participants that everything is possible and there will be less plastic only where people truly wish for this.
Moreover, our visit to the Mouth of River Neretva also issued a warning about the Smart Waste Management; if managed correctly, the waste can be smartly disposed
. We enjoyed being in the middle of an amazing piece of nature mixed with art beautifully. The students and teachers turned into little ecologists and artists at the same time, making original pieces of art from the waste found within the nice area.
Our day ended up with a tour at the Museum of Natural History from Metkovic, which role, in a way, was to make students aware of the beautiful nature they will lose if they don’t raise both their voice and hand when it comes to Smart Waste Management.
Our students and teachers were excited working together and learning from each activity the good practice that the project Smart Waste Management is trying to „teach” the participating countries: skip the plastic, save the planet!
Let’s clean this world, people, no one else will do it
Criterii de selecție ale elevilor – mobilitate Croația – data: 10.10.2021
*Competențe de comunicare în limba engleză – nivel mediu/avansat
*Competențe de utilizare a calculatorului
*Experiență în participarea la proiecte educaționale la nivelul școlii
*Este elev al Scolii Gimnaziale Romuli
*Media 10 (zece) la purtare
*Capacitate de lucru în echipă
*Respectă termenele
*Are acordul părinților/tutorilor legali pentru participarea la selecția pentru mobilitățile de învățare
*Are acordul părinților/tutorilor legali pentru înregistrarea și prelucrarea datelor cu caracter personal,
*Își asumă participarea la toate activitățile propuse de partenerul/instituția gazdă
Identifying waste types and Spring crowns